Partnership Opportunities
The Asian Health Coalition (AHC) is a regional hub for comprehensive clinical and community-based research and evaluation of the spectrum of health topics, issues, and needs of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander (AANHPI), immigrant, and other underserved communities. Its focus is centered on health disparities that disproportionately affect Asian and African immigrant communities.
AHC partners with community-based organizations, health systems, and regional health departments, serving Chicago’s southside and rural, suburban, and urban communities throughout Illinois. The center adopts a multidisciplinary, collaborative approach to expand partner capacity and drive greater health outcomes in the following program areas: cancer screening and prevention; chronic and infectious disease prevention; behavioral health; and precision medicine.
We believe partnering with and learning from organizations that share our vision and are embedded within our communities is a powerful way to catalyze sustainable impact. The following opportunities extend financial support to nonprofit community-based organizations to provide health-related services and programming within target communities.