
Diabetes Management and Impact for Long-Term Empowerment & Success (MILES)

PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Diabetes Management and Impact for Long-Term Empowerment & Success (MILES) is an initiative that commenced in Dec 2012 that assesses the self-efficacy of an evidence-based Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) to manage diabetes among underserved Asian populations in Chicago. MILES is the first pilot intervention in Chicago’s Asian communities to use an evidence-based diabetes self-management program with a dual-pronged approach through (i) community collaborations and (ii) a diabetes health educator team led by a registered nurse (RN) and community health worker (CHW). The pilot will target diabetic and pre-diabetic individuals from Chicago’s limited-English speaking Chinese and Korean immigrant communities.

TARGET POPULATION: Asian American Immigrant and Refugees Communities in Metropolitan Chicago

• Chinese American Service League
• Korean American Community Services

PROGRAM GOALS: The goals of MILES are threefold: 1) to build organizational capacity for linguistically and culturally appropriate diabetes programming through training of partner agency staff 2) to improve diabetes self-management practices and self-confidence among target community members, and 3) to document partner and community acceptance of the DSMP program and lessons learned for potential dissemination and program replication to other
Asian and refugee communities.

CONTACT: For more information please contact Alia Ryan at 312.372.7070, ext:228 or


PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Diabetes Prevention Project in Asian Communities (DPPAC) (2009 – 2011) was focused on a chronic disease self-management diabetes education and support course for individuals from the community who are at-risk for, or have been diagnosed with, Type 2 diabetes. Through targeted education, individuals are empowered to self-manage their health and attain the life and behavioral change skills to make the most effective use of health care system and resources. In addition to enhancing individual behavior change, DPPAC addresses systemic change by providing access to disease self-management in a linguistically sensitive manner, recognizing that Asian immigrants tend to underutilize health care programs and services due largely to cultural differences and linguistic barriers. Support for this program has been made possible through a grant from the Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust.

– Chinese American Service League
– Chinese Mutual Aid Association


PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: KIMBAP is made possible by a one-time Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) grant spanning from 2011-2012, that was awarded from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to CCDPH. The Model Communities program goal aligns with the nationwide effort of developing local-level policy, system and environmental change that result in residents having increased access to healthy lifestyles. The project addresses obesity through diabetes self-management to make a sustainable change by increasing cultural and language appropriate resources for Korean residents in suburban Cook County.

– Korean American Community Services

PROGRAM GOAL: Both DPPAC and KIMBAP programs aim to address diabetes self-management in the Chicago metropolitan area through:
• Implementation of an evidence-based Stanford-developed Chronic Disease Self-Management program
• Adaptation of a culturally and linguistically appropriate diabetes self-management curriculum
• Improved awareness and knowledge of diabetes management topics in three of Chicago’s Asian communities
• Successful implementation of a pilot diabetes initiative that illustrates the importance of community partnerships to provide culturally and linguistically relevant health education and outreach.

CONTACT: For more information please contact